When Pyro Is Not Permitted, Strobe Lights May Be a Good Alternative


Due to the increase in catastrophic wildfires in recent years, some local fire marshals in western states and provinces have been increasingly reluctant to grant permission for the use of pyrotechnics and aircraft-launched fireworks at air shows. However, air show performer Steve Stavrakakis has resorted to an interesting alternative for those situations when traditional pyro displays are not permitted.

To combat the increased restrictions on pyrotechnics at night shows and to still be able to perform his popular “Tribute to the American Vet” night performance, Stavrakakis teamed up with Whelen Engineering to create a new red, white and blue strobe lighting display for his night show performances.

Although this has not replaced his traditional pyrotechnic night performances, it has shown to be effective in delivering a captivating night performance even when traditional pyrotechnics are not allowed.

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