Henley Brothers, Greg Koontz to be inducted into the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame

Greg Koontz of Greg Koontz Airshows

In January 2019, Mark Henley, Alan Henley and Greg Koontz will all be inducted into the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame at the Southern Museum of Flight in Birmingham, Alabama.

“It’s a surprising honor considering the people that flew in Alabama who are in there,” inductee Greg Koontz said.  

The three air show pilots will join a prestigious list of Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame inductees that includes the Wright Brothers, Tuskegee Airman Benjamin O. Davis, astronaut Jan Davis, astronaut Henry Warren Hartsfield, air show pioneer Glenn Messer, and Medal of Honor recipient Michael Novosel.

One of the most meaningful coincidences of the induction is that the three air show professionals were in the same Boy Scout troop as kids. With the help of Mark and Alan’s father, the three developed a strong passion for aviation.

“I have admired them both and respected their character and accomplishments,” Koontz said. “It’s pretty cool to have us all be inducted at the same time.”

Although the ceremony was originally scheduled for 2018, the three men’s busy schedules necessitated moving the induction to early January 2019. A specific date has not yet been set.

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