Know Your Performers


When you hire a performer who is not well known or has not been in the business a long time, you typically ask what level statement of aerobatic competency he or she has. There are other questions you should be asking, as well. 

How long has the performer been at that level? How many shows have they done at that level? If you are a show with high density altitude considerations, has the performer done any shows at those altitudes? How recently? 

If you are an over-water show, you might want to know what experience he or she has in that environment. For a performer with whom you are well acquainted, you should ask what recent changes the performer has made to his/her show routine. You may learn about changes that effect where in the lineup you might want to place the act or about other changes that you and your air boss should be aware.   

Finally, no performer can fly without the proper credentials. You already contact each performer to get certificate information for the FAA paperwork. It’s a good idea to get waiver and formation card information at that time as well. Include the SAC level, type of aircraft and expiration date on any critical credentials. This will preclude surprises when the performer shows up without a FAST card or with an expired SAC card. If you are not familiar with the various certification requirements for air shows, find someone on your team who is.   

The last thing your show needs is a surprise on Friday before a show.  Know your performers and know what they bring to your show.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.