ACE Manual, Revision 9


At the annual ICAS ACE Training Program, the ICAS ACE Committee discussed forthcoming changes to the ICAS ACE Manual. 

Changes in Revision 9 of the ICAS ACE Manual reflect some of the changes being made in FAA policy such as Dynamic Maneuvering; however, additional changes are being made to address the recommendation process for initial applicants and applicants seeking their first surface level SAC card.

All SAC card holders and ACES were sent a draft copy of Revision 9 for comments, and the ACE Committee is in the process of reviewing those comments.  A final document will be submitted to the ICAS Board of Directors for implementation in the next couple weeks.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.