It’s a change to the military support request process that has fundamentally and positively changed air show scheduling issues during the last ten years, and the principal requirement that change makes of ICAS members is that they now submit their DD Form 2535 before July 1 each year.
Several years ago, both U.S. military jet teams moved to a two-year scheduling cycle. In 2019, that means the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and U.S. Navy Blue Angels will accept request for their support in the 2021 air show season between now and July 1. The details of their 2020 schedule were announced at the 2018 ICAS Convention in Las Vegas. The details of their 2021 schedule will be announced on Tuesday, December 10 at the 2019 ICAS Convention.
For the last two years, the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps and Royal Canadian Air Force have announced their single-ship demo schedules at the ICAS Convention immediately preceding their planned performance. So, for example, at the 2018 ICAS Convention last December, the U.S. Air Force announced its 2019 schedule for the F-22, F-35, A-10 and F-16 single ship demos. The USMC announced its 2019 schedule for the Harrier and Osprey. And the RCAF announced the 2019 performance sites for the CF-18.
“We are very lucky to have the support and cooperation of the military on these important scheduling issues and this early deadline for submitting military support request forms is the small price that we pay,” says ICAS President John Cudahy.
So, air shows interested in inviting the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds to their shows in 2021 must submit their DD Form 2535 to the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force, respectively, before July 1. Air shows interested in hosting the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, CF-18, A-10, F-16, F-35, F-22, Harrier or Osprey demos in 2020 must submit their requests by July 1.