Calendar Performer Listings Will Now Send Emergency Extraction AND Performer Documents to Event Organizers


The ICAS on-line air show calendar has become a critical air show operations tool and it’s now much more important that both air shows and performers keep information on the calendar as current and up-to-date as possible.

For several years, ICAS has used the air show calendar to send emergency extraction information from the ICAS database to individual event organizers at regular intervals preceding that event. For example, if the Gotham City Air Show is scheduled for June 1 and June 2 with performers Bob Smith, Bill Jones and Tom Kelly and if the show’s dates are correct on the calendar and if Smith, Jones and Kelly had previously provided ICAS with emergency extraction information for their respective airplanes, then the primary contact person for the Gotham City Air Show would receive emergency extraction information for Smith, Jones and Kelly six weeks before the show, four weeks before the show, two weeks before the show and one week before the show.

In light of new FAA procedures and requirements, ICAS has just completed additional programming that will automatically send a large number of key performer and aircraft documents from the ICAS database to the event organizers at the same intervals, including pilot certificate, medical, Statement of Aerobatic Competency, parachute pack information, biennial flight review (BFR) information, aircraft airworthiness inspection certificate, etc. Every ICAS member pilot will soon be getting instructions on how to upload these documents onto the ICAS database so that they are forwarded automatically to the event organizers for shows at which that pilot is scheduled to perform.

“It’s a powerful program and a huge time savings for both event organizers and performers,” says ICAS Vice President of Safety and Operations Dan Hollowell. “But it does require three things to work. The event organizers must provide us with the correct dates for their air shows. The event organizers must also periodically review and update the list of performers scheduled to perform at their events. And the performers must upload all of this information onto the ICAS website by carefully following the directions we will provide to them.”

Event organizers are encouraged to review their listing on the ICAS on-line air show calendar to make sure that the information is accurate and complete. Performers are encouraged to keep an eye out for an email from ICAS providing details and instructions on how to upload key pilot and aircraft documents.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.