Take Downtime to Complete Your Extraction


For some time, ICAS has been working to populate and promote our database of emergency extraction documents for performers.  This is a program that ICAS has developed to put critical information into the hands of first responders who arrive at your aircraft following an incident or accident. To date, we have collected about 45 documents from performers.  That’s a great start for a comparatively new program and we expect to make significant progress in increasing the size and effectiveness of this new service during the next several months.

This spring, ICAS will be rolling out a system that automatically sends the extraction documents to each air show organizer two weeks prior to their show date.  Sending a PDF document containing the extraction information for each performer at the show will allow the organizer to distribute the most critical life-saving information to the crash fire rescue personnel.  Should the worst happen and you are involved in an accident at an air show, there is no bigger benefit than the CFR personnel having specific instructions tailor-made by you for getting you safely out of your aircraft. And, combined with other initiatives that ICAS is working on to standardize the number and placement of Crash/Fire/Rescue vehicles and personnel, we can make real progress toward improving your survivability in the event of an incident or accident at a show site.

This system, however, mandates that you provide the original document to ICAS for distribution to the air shows.  Examples of this document can be found here and hereA template is already made, and all that you need to do is add your aircraft specific information and send it back to me.  I will take care of the rest.  Many air shows have bought into this program and will be making it a requirement for performing at their shows, so it is in everyone’s best interest that you take five minutes during off season to complete your extraction document.  I’m available to help at any time should you need it and you can reach me at Hollowell@airshows.aero.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.