Earlier this month, we ran an article discussing the need to consistently hydrate even during the cooler months. As the comments came back, it was apparent that we failed to include another item for replenishment: salt and minerals. When we sweat, our bodies not only lose water, but many essential minerals as well. Sodium, calcium and potassium are excreted along with water when we sweat, and the failure to replace these lost minerals can cause problems very similar to dehydration: cramping, fatigue and loss of situational awareness.
The counter for this loss of minerals can be found in most snack foods. Granola, fruit and vegetables are relatively simple to have around for both performers and the event organizers and they will properly restore your body’s balance to acceptable levels. Performers: have an apple or a handful trail mix before you preflight your aircraft. Event organizers: water is important, but do not neglect the need of your performers to have mineral replacing snacks easily accessible. These simple steps can help prevent small problems from compounding to large ones.