Making Best Use of Pre-Season Downtime


ICAS encourages you to use the comparatively slow time of the late winter and early spring to “put your air show house in order.” Soon enough, the hectic pace of the air show season will begin putting severe demands on your time and attention. Avoid unnecessary distractions then by eliminating potential problems now.   If you need to, have your parachute re-packed. Schedule a biennial flight review. Take care of your soon-to-lapse medical. Even if your plane is not due for an annual, go over it with a fine-tooth comb to make sure it’s ready for the coming air show season. Make contact with your in-kind sponsors now while you have the time to do so. Make an effort now to finalize contract issues with shows that you have not heard from so that you’re not obligated to do that in the middle of the busy show season. Experience tells us that minor inconveniences now can become significant distractions at exactly the wrong time during a stressful air show weekend. Take a few minutes now to avoid those kinds of distractions by doing a little early prep work.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.