Ride Insurance


One of the most valuable things an air show performer brings to an event is the capability to give rides to the media, sponsors, and VIPs. It’s an invaluable tool that our industry should take full advantage of. But remember that you put yourself and your air show at some risk if the performers providing the rides don’t have liability insurance that covers those riders.

Pilots have a wide range of choices when it comes to obtaining liability insurance to carry passengers. Jet-powered ground vehicles have considerably more difficulty securing liability insurance of any sort. It’s expensive and hard to get. Some policies cover only static display with no coverage once the vehicle actually starts moving. And all current jet vehicle operators agree that it is not currently possible to obtain liability insurance that explicitly covers riders.

Event organizers should ask to see a certificate of insurance for all performers. If you are unfamiliar with certificates of insurance, let your insurance agent look at them to make sure that all of your performers have the kind of insurance you expect them to have. Over the years, there have been occasional reports of performers providing certificates of insurance for policies that provide unrelated or useless coverage.

Fortunately, air show safety is good and getting better. Jet-powered vehicles, in particular, have enjoyed an enviable safety record. But the whole point of insurance is to protect you if something unexpected happens. So be properly prepared. Make sure that all of your performers have liability insurance. And, if any of those performers will be giving rides, make sure that their insurance covers those riders, as well.

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The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) is a trade association dedicated to building and sustaining a vibrant air show industry to support its membership. To achieve this goal, ICAS demands its members operate their air show business at only the highest levels of safety, professionalism, and integrity.